Jumping In

This is the easy bit then, introducing your virtual self to others, much harder in real life. Well, its hello from me, having lurked around for a while and got lots of good gen I thought I would try and make a valid contribution, just give it a bit of time.

Jim D-B :D

Hi Jim! :D


Come in, come in, make yourself at home... :)

Welcome aboard. :)


'llo :)

Hi Jim... I'm a double barrelled gal myself.


Quote: EllieJP @ July 3 2009, 10:25 AM BST

Hi Jim... I'm a double barrelled gal myself.


(Good old big bosomed Ellie!)

Well thanks for the replies, seems a friendly place. I am here to help me develop some ideas I have about about a sitcom, and to try and gleen some info about the best way I can go about developing these ideas into something tangable. Of course the first thing to do is to actually write something!

Would help!!!



Write on, man,

Welcome and good luck.

Quote: Double-Barrelled Jim @ July 3 2009, 4:29 PM BST

Well thanks for the replies, seems a friendly place. I am here to help me develop some ideas I have about about a sitcom, and to try and gleen some info about the best way I can go about developing these ideas into something tangable. Of course the first thing to do is to actually write something!

And the second thing is to spellcheck. Aaron is a stickler.


My mate has a double-barrelled name, he's Mr Jim Twelve-Bore.

Welcome, Jim.