Batman Found Dead, Juarez

Federales recovered a corpse on the street that was, "No question. That was Batman."

Sergeant Rafeal Marquez continued, "At first, we couldn't tell what we were looking at, because of his black outfit, you know? We were able to fight off the cartel just long enough to collect his body."

An eye witness reported that a man in a black suit had "without fear" walked out into the middle of a gunfight and started throwing "bat" ninja stars at the heavily armed cartel members. He had time to throw two ninja stars, both missing by a mile, before he was shot in the face and chest.

A story came out the same day that the Lopez family, of Southern Juarez, had bought a batman spotlight. Juan Lopez reported that "The light had finally come in. We used it for the first time last night. I thought it was going to changed the war, you know?"

--Related news--Lopez family slaughtered. The Cartel issued a statement, "Yeah, we did it, man. Nobody calls Batman on us. That's not cool."

Not the right place for this.

No. Critique's the right place.

It's not a great sketch, though I like the idea of a superhero walking into a real world situation and coming a cropper.

It's taken from a website called the leaky wiki

He didn't write it, or even if he did it's a completed, published, maybe even true story!

I really hope it's true. But yeah - if it's not a skit then it's probably not for critique.

Patrick - did you want responses to what you consider a genuine news item? I'm sorry for the family.

Lady Laughter, it's not a true story at all. And I wrote it. I'm the guy who started and is attempting to run The Leaky Wiki. :)

I'm sorry if this is the wrong spot. Is there a place on British Comedy for Parody News Articles?


Sorry for the misunderstanding. It wasn't made clear from your post.

If it's a finished article you have already posted on the site, put it on Showcase.

I was under the impression that they didn't want 'written' stuff in Showcase. More videos etc.

There's no limitations to what you can post there. The guide post says its a good place. To pimp your comedy site, so this would be fine.

Tell that to Leevil then who when I posted a 15min sitcom for Sitcommission shifted it to Critique!! Shitfted it I tells ya. If that was a value judgement I'll fracking have him as they say on BSG!

Maybe maybe mock journalese or prose is different.

Maybe I'll find an old video to stick in there. :)