Where on Earth do I start???

[Stands up nervously]

Hello [echos round the empty room] My name's Roy, and I'm an audio comedy-aholic.

[Pauses for standard reply]

I've been a great fan of audio comedy, particularly that from Radio 4, since being introduced to both The News Huddlines (Saturday Comedy Hour on BBC Radio 2) and then Star Turk (a mikey take of Star Trek on a Friday night on Radio 4). I now regularly listen to Just A Minute, I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again, Cabin Fever, The News Quiz and The Now Show to name but a few. Enjoying the 15 Minute Musical when it's on, I also have a quiet love affair for the oldies of The Navy Lark and Round The Horn (Kenneth Williams was taken from us far too early).

For work I am a freelance IT consulant and also the Corporate Sponsorship Manager for the Wightlink Islanders here on the sunny Isle of Wight. For fun, I help out with a number of online Audio Drama Groups as a post production engineer/mixer/whatever you want to call me. As I write this I'm putting together the sound files for an amateur Sherlock Holmes episode.

Well, that's me. Now, what's the next of the 12 step programme, please??

You put your left leg in. Apparently.

Hello by the way :)

Wave Hi Roy, great intro' interesting job you have.

I too love radio4 listen nearly all day!

My favourites include 'Fags Mags and Bags' and' Ed Reardons Week' plus those you mention.
Drama and factual also appeal greatly.

Hello there :)

Hello Roy.


Alright, Roy?


Hello big boy..
