What YouTube video are you watching? Page 112

Kevin Spacey doing something very uncomfortable. Sorry if this is old but I haven't seen it before.


Especially great once he starts to work some jokes in.

What the actual f**k.
No Kevin, no!

What is?

1.01 who is that psycho looking guy?





I don't know what the hell this is, but it's bloody funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cds7lSHawAw

Odd but funny. Where did you find that footage of Ellie?


I've already had to watch it 3 times. It's addictive, I tells you.


Quote: Steve Sunshine @ February 18 2011, 1:52 AM GMT


Bloody politicians.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ February 18 2011, 1:52 AM GMT


Laughing out loud

More sinister than the little kid in The Omen. Has anyone ever inspected James's scalp? Teary

It does look like the sort of video message a serial killer would show you before he did his thang.

Jeremy Slicer?

James Cutter?


I fear that on my deathbed that video will be flashing before my eyes, on a loop. I shall wash but I shall never be clean. :(

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