The World's Most Famous Joke - Rediscovered

For those of you who have heard the news, the full version of the joke "Why did the Chicken Cross the Road" can now be watched on You Tube.

If you haven't heard it yet the full version is surprisingly funny.

You can watch it at

I like the way it has that grainy texture and sepia wash, to make it look like it was authentically filmed in the Middle Ages.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 3 2010, 6:34 PM BST

authentically filmed in the Middle Ages.

I have extensive experience in cinematography and am often called as an expert witness in cases where the authenticity of mediaeval film footage is disputed.

I such cases, I regard graininess and sepia toning as invaluable guides.

I hate to use the term "Pythonesque" but it - umm - was.

Grins all the way through, and a big, big laugh when you spat out the chicken. Nice one.

Thank you for the positive comments. It's only by getting some nice feedback that I'd ever have filmed the script in the first place.

You can see the chicken spiting scene going wrong in full non-medieval colour in this outtakes video -

Thanks again. A