Favourite Female character Page 4

1. Audrey (To the manor born)
2. Barbara (The good life)
3. Margo (The good life)
4. Geraldine (vICAR OF DIBLEY)
5. Magjery (to the manor born)
6. Mrs Poo (To the manor born)

Bubbles - AbFab
Alice - Vicar Of Dibley
Susan and Jane - Coupling
Diana - Waiting For God
Fran - Black Books
Abie - My Family
Mrs.Raven - My Hero
Kochanski (1st) - Red Dwarf

Well, I liked all the females on 'I Didn't Know You cared'. Linda Preston the busty vamp (I think played by Deirdre Costello) was great. I always wanted to grow a bosom like hers.

I have become very fnd of IT Crowd Jen too. She can turn fishwife so easily and tells so many lies...

I've been really enjoying the early episodes of Rebecca in 'Cheers'. Kirstie Alley's timing is impeccable. I bet it's really hard to find actresses with great comic timing.

Peri Gilpin does a wonderful turn as Roz in Frasier.

I love Rebecca too!
I never liked the blonde one that was in it when she wasn't.
Dippy cow.

Quote: Pip Bond @ November 19, 2007, 2:23 PM

Well, I liked all the females on 'I Didn't Know You cared'. Linda Preston the busty vamp (I think played by Deirdre Costello) was great. I always wanted to grow a bosom like hers.

Just the one then?

I always liked Paula Wilcox in Man About the House and Sharon Duce with Douggie Brown. What was that one called?

Queeny (Blackadder2)

Wow, how did we forget her?

Oooh, Miranda Richardson is a lovely thing.

Agree with Denise in the Royle family , Polly of course but Victoria Wood almost ruined dinnerladies for me. She is so wooden , she wrote it really well but couldn't act her part imo. The other actors were delivered their lines tremendously but Victoria Wood was awful.

Hm, yeah, I know what you mean, but I thought it quite fitted with the show personally. Oh well, welcome anyway. :)

I agree with you Aaron. Brenda was supposed to be hesitant and unpretentious.

My contribution to this thread - Julie Walters as Petula Gordino in dinnerladies. Belly laugh funny.

Penelope Wilton playing Martin's wife in 'Ever Decreasing Circles'. Can's remember her character's name... 'Linda' was it?

In no particular order

Thelma - Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads
Mrs Doyle - Father Ted
Margo - Good Life
Hazel - Auf Weidersehen Pet
Rosanne - Rosanne
Cybill - Cybill
Lynne - Partridge
Marge - The Simpson