The comedian who 'bummed a girl out a window'...

You've no doubt heard the tale of the comedian who took a groupie back to his dressing/hotel room and said he'd like to bum her, whilst she leans out of a window. She complies, and the myth goes that during the sex act, she spots the comedian out the window, walking to his car, and, to her disgust, realises that the comedian a roadie must've switched places midway through.

I've heard this a few times, recently mentioned by Richard Herring to Andrew Collins on the podcast.

But the comedian's never been named.

Is it nothing more than a myth, or did it actually happen?

Whenever it's been told, there's a hint that it was probably an old-style comedian, perhaps from the 1970s or 80s.

Any ideas?

It sounds a bit like the urban myth about the girl getting serial-bummed out a window at a party, and the last chap to do her turns out to be her brother.

Agree with Kevin.

I did hear a story about a comedian who saw the girl he was bumming out the window in his hotel walking past down below. She'd swapped places with the roadie halfway through.

I'm just really hoping that comedian wasn't Johnny Vegas, because no one needs that image rolling around their brain pan.

I'll go for Jimmy Tarbuck, if it was the 70s he still had a bit of pulling power and he was always jumping around so he didn't lack the energy one would've needed. Tarby, you old rascal. ;)

Quote: David Bussell @ May 28 2010, 6:19 PM BST

I'm just really hoping that comedian wasn't Johnny Vegas, because no one needs that image rolling around their brain pan.

Really and Russell Brand would give you a boner?

Quote: sootyj @ May 28 2010, 6:38 PM BST

Really and Russell Brand would give you a boner?

Sure he would, sexing that man would be like sticking it to a greased panther!

As ever sincerity defeats sarcasm

Sootyj retreats into the outer darkness his shield abandoned and his spear broken.