I wish...

... That life had a Ctrl + Z.

Now it's your go. One wish per post, purlease. :)

I understood what you were talking about!

... 'the retarded were re-smarted' The Big S :)

Life had a Snooze button.

Arrogant idiots would be unable to find work, and would be herded in farms and left to graze in the grass, and butt heads with other aggogant idiots.

I'm having a bad day already!

I wish I was little bit taller,
I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a '64 Impala

I counts its one verse

Laughing out loud

I wish.....

Your not meant to say what you wish for else it won't come true! ;)

...A sniper would take out Sharon Osbourne.

I wish that homework and exams didnt exist >_<

"Exams and tests and things like that,
Are really rather rotten.
I'd rather fall in camel poo,
Or eat my best friend's bottom."

....people had to demonstrate some meaningful brain activity before breeding is permitted.

Laughing out loud

that my dog would stop barking. It's a full moon and he thinks he's a were-chihuahua. Rolling eyes

I wish I had a time machine!