Anyone else just see Day of the Triffids? Page 2

I suppose if you make plants, intelligent, walk, carniverous etc then they might as well be lions or some such thing.

Quote: Tim Walker @ December 29 2009, 1:52 AM GMT

Haven't seen the new version, but the old BBC TV version was incredibly creaky, far too long, but seems to be remembered as far better than it actually was.

I watched it a couple of years back, and was surprised at how well it had held up. The ]Nightmare Man, which came out around the same time, is also rather fun, though again very creaky.

I really enjoyed it. Can't wait for part 2. I don't know what to think of Dougary Scott though.

I was pissed off with ITV and BBC1 both showing a drama at the same time. I wanted to watch both this and An Englishman in New York, chose ITV as I really wanted to see it. was going to watch Triffids on iPlayer, but it's a bit long to be arsed with now.

Quote: Tim Walker @ December 29 2009, 1:52 AM GMT

The source material is rubbish in the first place. Walking bloody killer plants...?

Agree 100%. I've never read the book, but the premise is fundamentally flawed.

Slow moving plants aren't scary, so you need to stretch credulity still further by having the entire population blinded. Now it's scary. Except the protagonists are not blind, so it's not scary.

Now you've got a story that's either about the collapse of civilisation or zombie plants. It's a difficult balancing act.

Quote: Timbo @ December 29 2009, 12:05 AM GMT

And I am no astronomer, but just how exactly was everyone in the world blinded at precisely the same moment by looking at a solar flare?


Plus - this adaptation's backstory has Triffids producing fuel oil, which solves global warming and saves the environment.

About a billion Triffids, by my calculation, all of which need to be fed on a meat diet and restrained in giant electrical prison camps. Doesn't sound terribly sustainable to me.

John Wyndham was the master of the middle class appocalypse, this one was less silly than The Kraken Awakes.

Quote: Tim Walker @ December 29 2009, 1:52 AM GMT

The source material is rubbish in the first place. Walking bloody killer plants...?

The book is great.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ December 29 2009, 12:58 PM GMT

The book is great.

Yes I quite enjoyed the book, but this adaptation is almost as dunderheaded as the 1962 film version.

Did the music annoy anyone else? I had the same feeling with Paradox, that the music, particularly in the first act, just seemed to get in the way. Way too melodramatic, as if overcompensating.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ December 28 2009, 11:10 PM GMT

I didn't even realise it was him from 90210 until the very end!

Ha, neither did I. The name sounded familiar so I went to check IMDB and saw that he was in Beverly Hills.

I watched The Day Of The Triffids this morning completely out of boredom and I was pleasantly surprised as I haven't seen any older TV adapations or original books.

Just started watching this. I'm a big fan of the Howard Keel film from years back, but trying to get into the mindset that the same people who were so terrified of Triffids and determined to kill them would turn round and say "Hey, let's farm the buggers. Nothing can go wrong there!"

It was entertaining enough, if you didn't look too deeply.

Interestingly (Or not as the case may be) enough for my final year project I looked at the possibility of airbags in the passenger compartments. For the speed of impact of a plane crash, they are worth nothing. I doubt that lifejackets would help.

An enjoyable two parter overall. Eddie Izzard was great, and they really made the Triffids feel like an unnerving and real threat. The effects work was pretty top notch I thought too. Lot's of silly bits; like how that woman happens, in the whole of Britain, to bump into the lead guys Dad; who then bumps into his son too. But overall, it was really quite enjoyable.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ December 29 2009, 11:50 PM GMT

they really made the Triffids feel like an unnerving and real threat.

Not really, the Triffids are basically plants and slow moving ones at that. There's this new thing that top scientists have invented called 'fire'. If the Triffids can produce fossil fuels, the little green bastards would have gone up like Michael Jackson's hair in a Pepsi advert.

But no, for some reason, they thought 'Let's shoot them with guns, but not from a distance, that would be stoopid, let's stand really close to them so they can kill us.'

A load of old pants with a bit of poo in them I'm afraid.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ December 30 2009, 12:09 AM GMT

Not really,

No, you're quite right, how silly of me!