Words of the Decade Page 6


carbon footprint


What's your favourite word decade? I particularly like the 1870s for the word 'tippet'.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 21 2009, 4:22 PM BST

Off topic.

Quote: Tim Walker @ July 21 2009, 4:23 PM BST

Out-of-date chocolate bar.


How dare you, sir? If that had been on The News Huddlines it would have got a round of applause!

Word of the decade?


Boo Boo Kake,
Yogi's secret shame.

and Twitter :P

Quote: Nil Putters @ July 21 2009, 5:49 PM BST




Speaking of which... Wave

Politically Correct.

Quote: Tim Walker @ July 21 2009, 4:43 PM BST


What is a Quimfountain?

Word of the decade? NOUGHTIES.

Quote: Linda La Hughes @ July 22 2009, 2:41 AM BST

What is a Quimfountain?

As I just made it up, I'm not entirely sure, but I think you can use your imagination. (Or to be more precise, use my imagination.)

lack of sex, sleep and a truly useful screwdriver.

Quote: AndreaLynne @ July 21 2009, 4:43 PM BST

Douche Bag (recently this has made a major resurgence)

You can thank South Park for that.

'Random' is the one that bites my tail off. And 'lol'.

I hear the word "wanker" a lot thesedays.