Status report Page 894

Large sweaty man with a duffle bag...

Quote: AndreaLynne @ July 17 2009, 4:17 AM BST

Large sweaty man with a duffle bag...

Oh right. Royal Mail it is then. :)


Quote: AndreaLynne @ July 17 2009, 4:19 AM BST


Royal Mail man with his tongue poking out?

*goes back to work* :(

*feels like shit and wishes he hadn't bothered*

Ellie was feeling better, then came to work and feels awful again. Self diagnosis - allergic to work!

I think that's what I have too. :)

Chipolata's off to a meeting at a stately home. Wave

Is 'meeting' code for Community Service?

Robyn is feeling less sick, but is annoyed that it's going to rain because she has to go and drop off paperwork. She is glad, however, that we're bowling and it's 22-2 at Lords!

Rob is off on holiday. Yay for Rob. *waves*

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ July 17 2009, 1:38 PM BST

Robyn is feeling less sick, but is annoyed that it's going to rain because she has to go and drop off paperwork. She is glad, however, that we're bowling and it's 22-2 at Lords!

Hey, a girly cricket fan! Cool! :)

I only get sucked in during the Ashes, really. :$

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ July 17 2009, 1:38 PM BST

She is glad, however, that we're blowing 22 Lords!

How I read that sentence.