Joke Help Page 2

Quote: sootyj @ May 19 2009, 6:03 PM BST

A better joke on Hatton I heard was.
The day after the fight Rodney King phoned him to offer comiserations.

That is terrible! As were the two jokes in the original post!

Quote: sootyj @ May 19 2009, 6:03 PM BST

The guy in Barrymoore's pool suffered terrible injuries to his anal ring, whilst Hatton suffered terrible injuries in a boxing ring.

Being at a dinner party with Heather Mills and James Blunt and he's going to sing. Is a simple rule of 3 based on the threat expanding and then twisting with the 3rd part being a modification to Blunt as oposed to a new threat.

Actually no, I think yours is right. It's the preference to suffer Blunt's singing if it means it drowns out Heather's droning.

I need to go out now, I've spent way too much time on this.

Quote: sootyj @ May 19 2009, 6:03 PM BST


A better joke on Hatton I heard was.
The day after the fight Rodney King phoned him to offer comiserations.

I know I'm a bit slow- but I don't get that one either.

You're not slow at all it's just one of those jokes that is so obvious you can't see it when it's shoved under your nose*

In the 90s Rodney King got beaten up by white LA cops. As a result of this, LA had a massive riot due to PO-leece brutality. (Stick with me this is going somewhere!) Anyway Hatton (a white guy!) is a boxer who got beaten (geddit?) by Floyd Mayweather, a black guy (good innit?) so what you have is irony.

Dreary though.

*Whoever wrote that joke has missed their calling-they should be an illusionist!