Kenny vs. Spenny

Anyone here a fan of this brilliant show?

Some of the brits may be aware of it as they had a british version which ran for one season and got cancelled... The original is a canadian show that's been going for 5 seasons now. basically it centers around 2 best friends who have known each other since they were little kids. They have a love/hate, well mostly hate, relationship and each week they compete in a different competition. At the end the loser suffers a "humiliation" at the hands of the winner.

The show is hilarious at it's best. At it's worst it can be a bit tedious and crass, but overall it's very good. They insist it's all real, but sometimes it feels a bit scripted. Who knows.

The comedy comes from the relationship between Kenny and Spenny, and the real life funny guy/straight man act they have. Kenny also continually cheats, and is essentially a diabolical genius when it comes to beating Spenny. Spenny tries to win the right way through determination, etc. Of course, he usually loses.

I highly recommend this show, if you can get over some of it's more crass elements, it is very funny. Kenny can be very annoying as when he tries to be funny, it's never funny, just annoying (putting on stupid costumes, singing dumb songs etc). The humour comes from his interaction with Spenny, and his constant abuse of Spenny... Ie: in one episode he spikes Spennys orange juice with 4 hits of acid... (REAL!)...much hilarity ensues.

Recommended episodes...
-Who can wear a dead octopus on their head the longest?
-Who can drink the most beer?
-Who can stay tied to a goat the longest?
-Who can stay blindfolded the longest?
-Who can stay in a haunted house the longest?
-Who can smoke the most weed? (yes, it's real...isn't Canada great?)
-Who can bone the most women?

you can watch all the episodes here

One of my favorites shows of all time. I was disappointed when GSN stopped showing it, but now it's on Comedy Central!