New Vid

A new vid by me and some chums:

WARNING - contains a forgetful nude man. (Naughty bits have been pixelated)

Excellent. That deserves to be on the front page. Very funny. And disgusting.

Thanks Lee. I thought it turned out slightly more poignant than funny. Although it's difficult to tell having edited my friend's cock footage for 4 hours !

I think it was a nice combination of poignent and funny.


Very nice!

Man, your mate's got balls. As far as we know...

The drawn out pause at the end made it for me.

That is mighty fine! Thought you were just going to rely on the 'hilarity' of the naked man, the fact you also had a very good short sharp script proves you and your chums are a cut above the usual user-generated content numpties. Rock on!

excellent, Nick

Bloody funny, really deserves a lot of views.

Nice acting and timing at the end. Touch disturbing, too. But funny :)

Clever, touching and well directed / filmed IMHO.

Now lets see the big fella waving his kids off at the school gate. :-)

I notice a certain Mr Walliams has chosen it as one of his favourites...

Cheers Lee. I spotted that too. Am well chuffed like.

Congrats, Simon. Being fingered by Mister Walliams is the pinnacle of this profession.

Cheers man. As you can imagine he's now constantly hassling me for a meet up/ romance.