Hard or Soft?

What's better hard or soft?

Biscuits? Hard!

Sponges? Soft!

Ect, ect.

Can you think of things that are better... HARD OR SOFT?!

A game you can play with the whole family, as long as you don't tell mummy.

HARD rock: Good
SOFT rock: Bad

Can't think of any other examples at the moment ...

Soft bagel: Delicious

Hard bagel: A deadly weapon. Maybe even deadlier than a leg of lamb.

Soft penis: good.
Hard penis: even better.

Hard sex good.
Soft sex women.

Hard water: good
Soft water: bad

Soft bacon good.
Hard bacon bad.

Soft pizza good.
Hard pizza bad.

Soft chips good.
Hard chips bad.

Softcore bad
Hardcore good

Soft cake - Good
Hard cake - Bad

Mmmmmmmmm, cake......

Soft Egg - runny

Hard Egg - yummy

Hard poo: Bad
Soft poo: Good

Quote: Lee Henman @ December 6 2008, 1:32 PM GMT

Hard poo: Bad
Soft poo: Good

Tell me about it. I once blacked out on the bog, trying to pass a hard poo. It took so long to come, my legs kept going to sleep, and I kept having to get up and walk around.

Quote: catskillz @ December 6 2008, 1:44 PM GMT

Tell me about it. I once blacked out on the bog, trying to pass a hard poo. It took so long to come, my legs kept going to sleep, and I kept having to get up and walk around.

I feel so blessed to have read that post.

Laughing out loud

Quote: roscoff @ December 6 2008, 12:47 PM GMT

Softcore bad
Hardcore good


Quote: roscoff @ December 6 2008, 12:47 PM GMT

Softcore bad
Hardcore good
