Ben Elton and Lenny Henry - They're Dead To Me Page 2

He was dull years before that. the Ben Elton show was when he went mainstream, and wasn't good at it.

That show was on BBC1(1993) which might have been why it appeared that he lost his edge. He was under a lot of BBC constraints at the tinme, as I understand.

He was mainstream in the 80's on channel 4 in Sat. Night Live/ Friday Night LIve and that was his best stand up work IMO.

Ben Elton 1994 The Man From Auntie.

That's when it all went wrong.

Does BBC1 really kill originality?

Quote: sootyj @ August 6 2008, 9:36 AM BST

I mean Little Ms Jocelyn is no worse than any other skit show.

I disagree most strongly. All she does is scream!

I don't think Lenny Henry was really tokenism - he can be really funny at times as a stand up/presenter.

Some of the skits are quite thoughtful, and some dreadful.

But I think my point is that alot of stuff on telly sucks and is derivative.

I don't think Lenny Henry was really tokenism - he can be really funny at times as a stand up/presenter.

His first TV show was ace, as was Tizwaz and he did some very good stnadup.

But all comedians lose it in the end.

That last Harry Enfield show on BBC1 stunk.

Paul Daniels - I used to like him as well.

Quote: Graham Bandage @ August 6 2008, 8:58 AM BST

I used to like Ben Elton and Lenny Henry. When did everyone decide they were shit?

With Ben Elton (as a performer), about 2 seconds after I first heard him open his gob. Lenny Henry just got old and tailed off, didn't he?

Elton Man from Auntie, took fat cheques from BBC1 and sold out utterly.

Bandage man!

Ben Elton as a writer may well be a different kettle of fish though. But as a performer, I just thought he was loud and had no class. Bit of a bully boy.

Quote: Aaron @ August 6 2008, 11:00 AM BST

The Young Ones was only 'ace' because it was different. On its own, it is really quite, quite shit.

In any case, it's arguable as to how much influence he had over the show. I have a feeling I saw somewhere (the Comedy Connections episode perhaps) that pretty much the only thing he brought to the show were those peculiar talking inanimate objects?

Either way, still crap.

Woah there cowboy, you think that The Young Ones "is shit" yet enjoy the Kevin Bishop Show? I put it to you sir, that it in actual fact, it is you that "is shit"!

PS And it was Lisa Mayer who was mostly responsible for the puppets.

Then she should also be sacrificed! :P

But The Young Ones is still trés over-rated.

I loved the Protect and Survive parody episode of the Young Ones, and the Video Nasties one.

The Young ones like The Comic Strip was rough, unpolished but when it got it right, it got it right.

Madness, Motorhead guest starring and Alexi Sayle at his mental best.

His show Stuff was ace.

Ben "anything for a quid" Elton.
Turned out he wasn't really a socailist, he was just a self-serving faux right-on douche bag.

Thatcher would be so proud.

You're drunk, Sayle, go to bed.