Which sitcom character do you fancy? Page 2

Quote: jacparov @ May 27 2008, 10:43 PM BST

Guy Secretan.

Who? What show please.

I shall be predictable, Rachel from friends and Penny from BBT.

Green Wing!

Oh and Sheldon from that show I can't remember the name of, even though you've done the initials right there.

Ah right cheers, didn't know the surname.


Emma Pierson - Time Gentlemen, Please (I can't remember her character name)

Kate Ashfield - Anita - Never Better

Sophie Winkleman - Big Suze - Peep Show

Sarah Chalke - Elliott - Scrubs

Emma Pierson from Time Gentleman Please.

Quote: jacparov @ May 27 2008, 10:45 PM BST


Laughing out loud Thanks!

Quote: hotzappa11 @ May 27 2008, 10:47 PM BST

Emma Pierson - Time Gentlemen, Please (I can't remember her character name)


And there's no comma in the show's name.

Quite like Gina Bellman from coupling.

Oh no! Not only does every human male fancy her, but I've just read Emma Pierson's imdb profile and she sounds like a really cool person too. Damn her. :)

Quote: Aaron @ May 27 2008, 10:49 PM BST


And there's no comma in the show's name.

The pills have worn off - he's back to normal :)

Sarah Chalke ~ Elliot Reid - Scrubs (It would never work if we got married though, mail would just be too difficult :( )

Heather Graham ~ Dr. Molly Clock ~ Scrubs (Yay for ridiculously happy people!)

Michelle Gomez ~ Sue White ~ Green Wing (Something about a person who's so completely unhinged that's just attractive!)

Courtney Cox ~ Monica Geller ~ Friends (Gorgeous really...)

Quote: Leevil @ May 27 2008, 10:48 PM BST

Emma Pierson from Time Gentleman Please.

Cuter in Beast. Though I also fancied Sylvestra le Touzel in that, which is just wrong...

But if we are talking cute, then Emma Wray as Brenda in Watching made a singularly ill-matched couple with the lugubrious Paul Bown.

I sat next to Sylvestra la Touzel in my (old) local village pub - she looks better on the screen is all I will say

Quote: PhQnix @ May 27 2008, 10:56 PM BST

Michelle Gomez ~ Sue White ~ Green Wing


Quote: zooo @ May 27 2008, 11:00 PM BST


Is that an agreement? Am I going to have to share?

No I'll let you have her.
But she's who I'd choose if I liked the ladies.