Some random jokes I found on the internet

A high school friend posted on her status "I like your new girlfriend, what breed is she?" Laughing out loud

Then there's a religious joke I found on Yahoo Answers, someone said "Why are no Jehovah's Witnesses in Heaven? Because God and St. Peter are hiding behind the gates whispering "Let's pretend we're not in!" " Laughing out loud

Is there a special name for jokes where the punch line is 'flipped', beloved of the News Quiz amongst others?


The Councils of Birmingham and Kabul are in talks to twin the two cities.

Formally an important regional administrative centre but now largely derelict and with a high number of penniless refugees, Birmingham is in the West Midlands.

Quote: fasty @ 28th December 2015, 4:00 PM GMT

Is there a special name for jokes where the punch line is 'flipped', beloved of the News Quiz amongst others?


The Councils of Birmingham and Kabul are in talks to twin the two cities.

Formally an important regional administrative centre but now largely derelict and with a high number of penniless refugees, Birmingham is in the West Midlands.

Bloody Infuriating? Angry