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Have stalled 14 pages into a novel and would like an answer to the basic question should I continue or stop?

I don't want to post all 14 pages here so can anyone recommend an easy to use site where I can post & share?

or pm me if you are willing to read the pages on an email.

I am not looking for proof reading or detailed technical advice. I just want to know a) if you got through all 14 pages and b) would you want to read on?

Absolutely won't be offended if you dislike the writing or me!

Thanks in advance.


Post up page 1, 3 and 5 and I'll read them.

Sorry I like feedback so all my feedback is public, unless you're foolish enough to want to hire me as a reader.

As it is go with your gut, if you think it stinks you'll probably never love it.

What's stalled you?

Quote: Lazzard @ 21st June 2015, 2:04 PM BST

What's stalled you?

Thanks for replying.

Tricky really, it's the direction and tone. Not what I originally intended. Basically I just want to know if I am wasting my time?

And Sooty - I don't think three pages will give me the answer I am after.


I'm presuming this is not an 'art' novel.
In which case you really shouldn't be surprising yourself with the direction - you should have the thing plotted out before you start (with the caveat that you're allowed to go off piste along the way)
Convert it to PDF and PM me for my direct-mail then send it over as an attachment.

Countless words have been written and spoken on the subject of how to be a successful writer and/or a successful comedian.

As good and worthy as some of that advice may be, there's only one basic piece of advice that matters: be entertaining. If you get that right, you're home and dry. All the rest is icing on the cake.

Playfull. If you're still short of a reader, I'll happily to give it a view, assuming it's humourous.

Thanks Lazzard & Nick will PM you shortly.

You should put it up.
By page 14 we will all know whether we want to read more.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st June 2015, 8:00 PM BST

You should put it up.
By page 14 we will all know whether we want to read more.

By the end of the first PARAGRAPH I'll know whether I want to read more.

If the first paragraph isn't compelling, anybody who reads another word has far too much time on his hands.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st June 2015, 8:00 PM BST

You should put it up.
By page 14 we will all know whether we want to read more.

Hi Stephen,

I don't think longer posts work well in critique. Partly because posting can screw with the format, making reading hard - but mainly because I know my heart sinks when I see a post any longer than a page or two - So I assume others might feel the same.

I might post a bit here after I have received Lazzard & Nick's feedback.

Quote: Rood Eye @ 21st June 2015, 9:44 PM BST

By the end of the first PARAGRAPH I'll know whether I want to read more.

If the first paragraph isn't compelling, anybody who reads another word has far too much time on his hands.

Hi Rood Eye,

I understand what you mean - I am sure most of us form instant judgements. But comments on the first paragraph or even first page won't answer the question I am asking.

Hi Playfull - I'm always happy to read funny books - my email is

Thanks for the offer Davey but Lazzard has sorted me out. I may post an excerpt here but the book as it was constructed is no more.

BTW I wouldn't leave your email on the open post, you never know who might be looking!