10 hours of kids and vegetables

My friend asked him to make a vide to promote his new eatyourveg.org website. I think he'll live to regret that, given what I made him.


All jokes aside, please give it a watch to allay some of the guilt I am feeling.

That's awesome I've watched it twice.

Why did you include a clown at 7.56.07 and do I need to listen to him?

Thank you.
It's always better the second time round.
Shit - I meant to take the clown out. Don't listen to a word she says.

Quote: sootyj @ 22nd April 2015, 8:27 PM BST

That's awesome I've watched it twice...

It's good all right, but I don't think it warrants repeat viewing -- I, for one, got the message around the 4 hr 20 min mark. Seriously though, this piece is truly Warholian. It's like the antidote to Eat (1963?) where a guy savours a mushroom for 40 "odd" minutes. What's more, by clocking in at ten hours, your veg-fest is almost twice as long as Warhol's Sleep (1965?). I suspect that could be significant. And the best part of your video? At 5 seconds: "Will you eat your cucumber now?" / "NO!"

- Gusto

A reasonable assessment. Although I find it does pick up again around hour 7, although it similar to hours 3 and 2 in many ways.

You can always watch it on fast forward, which saves a good few hours.

There's nothing on the video from 4h om-4h 30m

its just a blank screen, what were you watching?

The tennis, you?

I was playing tennis on that video?

I hope not.

Quote: sootyj @ 6th May 2015, 12:29 PM BST

There's nothing on the video from 4h om-4h 30m

its just a blank screen, what were you watching?

A tin of baby carrots winging its way to you, sootyj.