NJ Reject - Teachers strike

Teachers in 49 authorities in England took strike action this week.

It's their own time they're wasting.

For me that's clever and to the point, surprised it wasn't used unless something in the same vein was put up.
Never the less that was a good shot so well done.

Thanks for that. New to newsjack submissions and it's tough to gauge if I'm on the right track or not, so glad someone liked it.

Agree with Teddy, cleaver and trimmed perfectly. As good as most of the stuff broadcast so I think you just have to accept Newsjack can be a bit of a lucky dip and keep plugging away.

Perhaps it was rejected because it doesn't actually make sense. That phrase would be used at the end of a lesson when kids were about to have break/go home. So though I do like the turn of phrase it doesn't quite fit in. Or maybe your just unlucky :|