7 Hours On Earth. Charlotte (Ramona Marquez)
7 Hours On Earth

7 Hours On Earth

  • 2020 film

Film about dysfunctional aliens who land in a school and become perplexed by the heartbreak of teenage love. Stars Ramona Marquez, Rufiat Awolope, Gus Flind-Henry, Byron Easmon, Harry Jardine and more.


When aliens download into a school, they must try to make sense of teenage love. It baffles them but they use their super-powers to invent an app to try to make everyone happy. As they have never had emotions or bodies before, they unfortunately make everything much worse. All this happens in 7 hours in the run-up to a dreadful school play which threatens disaster. Inspired by Shakespeare's most chaotically comic work, this crazy, bitter-sweet film captures the pain of young relationships and adolescence from students who are currently living it.

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