British Comedy Guide

Comedy and actor questions

Got a complaint? You're in the wrong place. We neither make nor represent any person or company.

We can no longer answer individual questions about actors, comedians or comedies, but hopefully we can help you find an answer elsewhere.

Have you looked around our website?

Details about many, many current comedies can be found in our guide. If you can't find what you're looking for on our website we probably don't know the answer ourselves yet.

How do I contact the people that make the show?

We don't make any TV, films or radio shows. For questions, feedback or complaints about something on radio or television find the channel that aired it, or contact the production company that made it. You can find out who the production company is by looking at the details within our guide.

When is the comedy show I'm interested in going to be on television / radio?

Our current TV and current radio pages list all broadcast dates that we know about. If the show you're interested in is not on there find our programme guide, which will contain any news or predicted broadcast dates we have heard about.

Will there be another series?

Our programme guides will indicate if the comedy you're interested in has been re-commissioned. Our returning TV comedy list shows all confirmed returning TV programmes.

If you can't see any indication, then it's likely no decision has yet been made: sometimes it can take quite a while. Do also check the press page within the programme's guide in case there's been news the programme has being cancelled.

Can I get tickets to see a comedy being recorded?

See our TV tickets and radio tickets pages for shows being recorded now or soon. Tickets are normally free but do be aware that there is high demand for some shows, so applications should be made as soon as possible.

If you can't see the show you're interested in listed on our tickets page, it is either fully booked, already recorded, or dates have not yet been announced.

How do I contact my favourite actor/stand-up/etc?

You should contact actors, stand-ups, writers and other people via their agents. Agents also deal with requests for autographs, comments, and personal appearances. To find out who an actor's agent is, refer to BCG Pro BlackBook (subscription required) or search on Google. Be aware that many agents will not reply if they cannot help straight away. You could also try searching for an official website, Facebook, or Twitter account.

What else has an actor starred in?

Find their profile on our site for a list of all their comedy credits. For more, search for their name on

Still not got the answer you want?

If you're still struggling, head to our message board and ask for assistance. We have some very knowledgeable and enthusiastic users who will be happy to help solve your question.

More answers can be found on our FAQs page