Tips for performing at corporate gigs

Fane Speakers event

Performing at corporate gigs can be a lucrative and rewarding avenue for UK comedians. Jonathan Phillips, director of Fane Speakers, gives five top tips to help you succeed in this unique environment:

1. Understand the audience

Corporate audiences are different from typical comedy club crowds. They are often more diverse in age, background, and sense of humour. Before your performance, research the company, the event's purpose, and the audience demographics. Tailor your material to be relevant and appropriate for the occasion. Avoid controversial topics like politics, religion, and explicit content, as these can be sensitive areas in a corporate setting. Opt for universal themes and observational humour that can resonate with a broad audience.

2. Adapt your material

While your usual set might kill at comedy clubs, corporate gigs require a different approach. Be prepared to adapt your material to fit the corporate environment. Incorporate light-hearted anecdotes or jokes related to the business world or the industry of the company you're performing for. This shows you've done your homework and can engage with the audience on their level.

Additionally, be ready to adjust your delivery style to be more formal and polished, as corporate settings often demand a more professional demeanour. Remember, the goal is to entertain without alienating anyone, so always err on the side of caution with your material.

3. Engage with the event organiser

Communication with the event organiser is crucial. Discuss the event's format, schedule, and any specific requirements or expectations they might have. Ask about the venue setup, whether there will be a stage, microphone, and sound system, and if there are any particular themes or key individuals to acknowledge during your set. Understanding these details helps you prepare effectively and ensures your performance aligns with the event's overall tone. Additionally, inquire about the company culture; knowing whether the environment is more formal or laid-back can help you strike the right tone in your performance.

4. Be flexible and professional

Corporate events can be unpredictable, with schedules that might shift and unexpected technical issues. Maintain a flexible attitude and be ready to adapt to last-minute changes. Professionalism is key; arrive early, dress appropriately, and be courteous to everyone you interact with, from the organisers to the event staff. A positive attitude and professionalism can leave a lasting impression, potentially leading to future bookings. Moreover, being adaptable and composed in the face of changes or challenges will demonstrate your reliability and capability as a performer.

5. Use clean, high-quality material

Corporate gigs often require clean comedy that is suitable for a professional environment. Avoid using profanity or off-colour humour that might offend attendees. Instead, focus on high-quality, clever material that showcases your wit and versatility. Clean comedy does not mean boring - clever, well-crafted jokes can be highly effective and appreciated in a corporate setting. Also, practice good timing and pacing to keep the audience engaged and entertained. Rehearse your set thoroughly to ensure a smooth and polished performance, as any fumbling or hesitation can detract from your professionalism.

Want to find out more?

If you're a comedian looking to book more corporate gigs or an event organiser seeking an experienced partner in this space, get in touch with us at Fane Speakers. We specialise in connecting talented comedians with corporate events to create unforgettable experiences.

Contact us today at to find out more.

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