The Rubbish World Of Dave Spud
The Rubbish World Of Dave Spud

The Rubbish World Of Dave Spud

  • TV sitcom
  • CITV
  • 2019 - 2023
  • 104 episodes (3 series)

Animated sitcom for CITV about a boy who is a magnet for disaster. Stars Johnny Vegas, Arthur Smith, Philip Glenister, Jane Horrocks, Lisa Hammond and more.

  • This series will continue at a later date

Video clips Page 2

Ski Week

The Spuds find themselves back in the Flipside where they must use their superpowers to stop their mischievous pancake from ruining a school ski trip.

Olden Days

A faulty television remote rewinds the Spuds back to the olden days, where everything is black and white, everyone is a puppet and there is a giant biscuit on the rampage.

Flipside Alternative Titles

The Flipside introduced the alternative titles. All is not as it should be and the world has turned up side down! Welcome to the flipside!

The Flipside

According to Gareth the starfish, every pancake has two sides, happy and grumpy. If Dave is to leave his pancake on the grumpy side, he had better prepare himself for an adventure... in the flipside!

Green Eyed Monster

Lil Sue turns into a stomping, green eyed monster. It is up to Dave and the rest of Lil Sue's friends to calm her down before she ends up big and green forever.

The Stowaways

Dave and his friends are given a lesson in responsibility when their school assigns them an animal each to look after overnight.

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