DVD Review: Rev. Series Two

Rev. Series 2

Striking the right tone with a sitcom is never easy. The first series of Rev. - a series centred around the adventures of an inner city vicar - could so easily have been twee (think The Vicar Of Dibley at its worst). At the alternate extreme, an over the top attempt to recreate Father Ted could easily have backfired too.

Happily, the first outing was a critical success and the second series, broadcast in 2011, continues all of its good work.

Much of its success is down to star and co-creator Tom Hollander, who injects the Reverend Adam Smallbone with just enough of the right elements to be a convincing vicar (well intentioned, a nice wife, occasional internal prayers) and just enough flaws to be sympathetic (he likes the occasional drink or smoke, sometimes swears, requests blow jobs from his wife and fancies the local headmistress).

The supporting cast are terrific too: notably Miles Jupp as the ambitious lay reader Nigel; Peep Show's Olivia Colman as Adam's long suffering solicitor wife; and the masterful Simon McBurney as the eloquent media-hungry Archdeacon Robert, a character who could potentially steal a lesser show. Steve Evets is also brilliant as the drunken but faithful Colin.

The festive seasonal finale perhaps comes a bit too close to replicating Adam's crisis of faith/near breakdown at the end of Series 1. But with cameos from the likes of Richard E. Grant, Geoffrey Palmer and Ralph Fiennes, this is a must-see series. Let us pray that the third is of equal standing.

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