Me1 versus Me2 Snooker with Richard Herring. Richard Herring. Copyright: Steve Brown

Me1 vs Me2 Snooker with Richard Herring: Frame 63

Frame 63: Talisker Storm. It's an unheard of 3rd frame recorded in one evening, by a man who is very tired after looking after his child alone for 26 hours and tipsy from 2 drinks (though shared between all his incarnations). It is not amusing or interesting in any way. This one is all about the contest and one of the players doesn't seem to be trying so it isn't even about that. This is why you should never record 3 frames of self-playing snooker in one night. So never do that.

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  • Published: 7th September 2015
  • Length: 18 mins
  • Size: 33.6mb

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