The Comedian's Comedian Podcast with Stuart Goldsmith. Stuart Goldsmith

The Comedian's Comedian Podcast with Stuart Goldsmith: Episode 349 - Kim Noble

Artist, comedian, provocateur and cleaner, Kim Noble is far more concerned with pursuing his artistic instinct than the trappings of success. From sneaking into B&Q dressed as staff (engaging with the customers and sometimes not even recording it), to his brilliant new podcast Futile Attempts, we find a man relentless in his integrity and experimentation, but sometimes adrift from the comedy community and the wider world. We learn the sometimes devastating effect of his constant recording on his personal life; find out how his mum felt about his possible exploitation of his dementia-suffering father; and talk about innocence, terror, and overstepping the line.

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  • Published: 2nd October 2020
  • Length: 93 mins

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