Video clips

Big Field - Sausages

What's in the Big Field mash-up mix today, you may (or may not) ask? Sausages (obviously), tits (less obvious) and a bloke getting his engine revved on a stretcher. Cue the barmy...

Big Field - Cheese, Snooker, Explosions

It's absurd o'clock... time for soap opera births and brews, snooker sarnies and lots of cheese. Actual cheese. Including grated cheese, exploding cheese and even an ode to cheese...

Big Field - Owls, Question Time and Fashion

Meanwhile in a big field... seriously issued are raised for Question Time and Lorraine showcases the latest food fashions. Also, owls.

Big Field - Bicycles, Hamsters and Jeremy Kyle

The Jeremy Kyle Show with a Big Field twist is a very special thing...

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