Video clips

Cuckoo - Stag Do Rules

Steve sets a bunch of rules for Cuckoo's stag do.

Cuckoo's Former Life

A clip of Cuckoo, then Dale Ashbrick, singing with his Glee club at Yale University. A section of this was seen in the show, but here it is in full.

Cuckoo - Busking It

In an attempt to boost Connie's confidence in singing, he gets her to busk on the street.

Cuckoo - Debra's Back

Cuckoo thinks Mrs Floxy the cat is the reincarnated from of Lorna's mother.

Cuckoo - DJ Ken

While under the influence, Ken and Cuckoo take over the DJ duties at a party.

Cuckoo - Episode 3 Trailer

A preview of the third episode of the sitcom.

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