The arts!

Is there any room on this page for someone that likes to read poetry or are you all in to the sit-coms that you are lucky enough to get but hey will not reach the States for years,,Valentine I am a published poet and mystery writer!

Cool :$ Errr Wave

Last time I checked, this forum was dedicated to sitcoms and comedy in general and not golf and poetry.

Valentine, as Thomps points out, this is primarily a comedy-oriented message board, however you are free to use the General Discussions forum for anything else! :)

poetry eh...

do people die
when they fly
into the sun

PS does anyone know a word which ryhmes with runt? i'm trying to describe someone i know

Ooh ooh, I know, I know!

Quote: ajp29 @ November 27, 2006, 9:08 PM

poetry eh...

do people die
when they fly
into the sun

PS does anyone know a word which ryhmes with runt? i'm trying to describe someone i know

How about

Need any more?


oh come on we all know what he means, it's about time i said it so sorry for any offence caused by this following word, but it's about time someone exposed the word that every one is thinking of,,,shunt,,,,,there i said it,

Quote: ajp29 @ November 27, 2006, 9:08 PM

PS does anyone know a word which ryhmes with runt? i'm trying to describe someone i know

Are they called Chris Hunt?

i know someone called, tommy lunt, we all call him the cu ,,,, you can probably guess!

So close Ginger Jesus hes actually called Mike Hunt. Hes a Fact Hunt-er for university challenge.

so basically we could argue that we have a thread on poetry :P

Fact Hunt is brilliant. "I'm cheeky, me!"