Blackadder 2

Odd question this, but can anyone recall the episode number/title of the show which contains a brief image of Lord Melchett doing what seems to be a "fish" impression for Queenie, stood on one leg and waving his arms like fins?
Perhaps some serious Black adder fans will know. Id like to get a still shot of it for something

It's the very first episode of Blackadder II, Bells, and Lord Melchett is doing an impression of Columbus to entertain Queenie, which apparently amused her father Henry VIII.

Getting into this in my box set rotation, and just watched the hilarious 2nd episode "Head" where he is given the job of organising executions - soooooooooo bloody funny. I'd forgotten just how funny this one was.

Master Ploppy and the unrelated cook Mistress Ploppy, and Lord Percy's enormous ruff that was apparently all the rage.

"Percy, you look like a bird that has swallowed a plate"

And, reminding me a bit of Father Ted explaining the cows are far away to Dougal, was Blackadder trying to teach "advanced mathematics" to Baldrick by adding one bean to three, and asking what is the total.

Then when Blackadder had to pretend he was Lord Farrow, who he had accidentally executed, and his wife came into the condemned cell to give her one armed husband a final blow job, only to be thwarted when Baldrick came in on cue as instructed.

Yes, all brilliant Laughing out loud

" A very small casserole..."