Dick O'Plenty (Irish actor)

This clip is five years old, but we're planning on making some new ones soon. Enjoy or endure.


That was a good ole craic which made me think of the humour of D'Unbelievables. You portray a convincing character with a quirky style but something I noticed is the video is edited a lot. This is no bad thing if it doesn't stand out but I can see everytime the camera view changes so it becomes a compliation instead of a continuous clip. I like the essence of the character though and there is something in that. If this clip was one long recording instead of made up of multiple takes you would have a viral to be sure.

can you get a microphone and stand up instead of sitting down, the no effort is draw back , make a green screen even if its just green just sittting down no good

I've made a report
one line funny
Dick o plenty, i'm not drunk my life isn't just one drunk sexy you know
half a hit.

(FACE face facials are good)

hand getting out of cubboard not funny

I hope baby is not mine slight hit

should we get some hookers and weapons okay hit

the cold room cross leg bit didnt work

I feel like i need to poo half hit

its better if you just writ it

cause your not set up for camera

it has promise though

if you sit and pick at it your funny, its the sitting on the chair.
If your gonna do a performance have a microphone, not like your sittting in back room.

If you actually sit there and listen carefully there good jokes.