Advice needed!

Hey guys,

I've been approached by someone at the talent Partnerships team with BroadbandTV. In his words, "I've enjoyed your videos and would love to have a chat with you about some cool stuff going on within our network. I feel you could be a good fit in our community."

Anyone ever had any experience with these sort of guys? Broadband TV seem quite a big company but reading online looks like I'd be giving a lot way without much in return.

Just wondered if anyone here had any experience with any of this? Thanks!

Most original ideas go nowhere so if this is one of your earlier ones and there's money/production credits go for it.
You can always write something new later and having something actually go into production will help with getting the big boys later.

If it's just a chat you don't need advice. If they want you to sign an expensive contract or something, go to the Writer's Guild (here) but good luck anyway.

Quote: Steve Whyley @ 17th December 2015, 8:05 AM GMT

"I've enjoyed your videos and would love to have a chat with you about some cool stuff going on within our network. I feel you could be a good fit in our community."

Sounds like Clem Fandango talking.

Find out what they want.

Don't need to commit to anything.