Loving or loathing new shows.

How long do you give a new show before you decide you can't stand it, love it or can take or leave it?

Five minutes? One episode? A series?

Normally I will give up at some point during the second episode. But sometimes 5 minutes is all I can take.

Depending on the quality I can normally get through at least one episode before I make a decision.

I'd like to think after 15 mins I could be pretty sure whether I thought it worth investing any more time in.
Sometimes things aren't working - but you can see how they might pick up, so you tune in next week.
Other times it's just shit from the get go.

Varies massively. Can be anything from a couple of minutes to several hours.

Probably the most important factor whether I stick with something is the track record of the people involved - writer(s), cast.

Most extreme case was Campus which imo didn't really get going till half-way into its third episode, but once it hits its stride and clicked with me, loved it.

I've also watched an entire series (or more) of something, then dropped it if I don't like the way further series have gone.

Loved 30 Rock when it started, but then didn't like it so much once Alec Baldwin's character became too prominent - nothing against him, just that the show became far more predictable imo.

I usually stick around for at least one series. I can't remember dropping any comedies recently, with the exception of The Wright Way, one episode of which was more than enough.

Probably about 10 minutes, although there have been several times I've been wrong.

I refused to watch The IT Crowd after seeing the first episode, but later forced myself through a few eps and decided it was alright.

If I'd stuck to my first opinion of Parks and Recreation I would have missed out on one of my now-favourite shows, but fortunately I'd already been told to 'stick series 1 out' because the next series' are worth it. True dat.

I think it partly depends.
If something is a little different in style to what I usually watch, I'd probably have more patience with it.
I rarely drop a show so can't answer that, but I've normally given a show a score out of 10 after 2-3 episodes and I generally stick to that score unless something drastic happens later (new character or something big).

I'd normally know whether it has potential for me after 10 minutes, whether the thing as a whole is clicking yet. If it does, I'd easily give it a few eps, and probably look in on the start of the second series too.

The first ten minutes of Vic and Bob's House of Fools was very trying but there were some big laughs later on, and Matt Berry and Rowana Morgan.

Apathy and lethargy won the day.

Quote: Marissa @ 16th January 2014, 8:40 AM GMT

The first ten minutes of Vic and Bob's House of Fools was very trying but there were some big laughs later on, and Matt Berry and Rowana Morgan.

Apathy and lethargy won the day.

Is that Morgana Robinson's sister?

Haha! Thank you.

Well, this is a new low in fuddled buffoonery.

Yes, her. Very good she is too.