The Alphabetical Adam Game

Surely everyone deserves to get in on this new craze sweeping the nation?

Allo Allo Allo...

Bugger off!

Can't we do something else?

Definitely but the Steve Sunshine numeric game doesn't have the same ring to it

Ergo we won't.

Fondle my nipple nuts and send me to alaska

Good grief lofty! Good going on your intro thread AifA, some people get hardly any responses- you've obviously done your homework and know what'll appeal to us :D

Hallo Ajgo!!

Not seen you for a while

*waves enthusiastically*

I'm always delighted to see you lofty *waves back* How've you been?

Just dreadful

I actually think in dying

Thought I was having a stroke earlier today

Not good times matey

Hope your well :)

Just called in to see what condition my condition was in


Lost the hope of this ever ending.

Me too

Me too

not to long to go now

On the other hand it could be ages.