Class and comedy! Page 4

What I find interesting about these posts is that the term 'working class' has just been accepted as something strictly defined. It's, therefore, interesting that people are using the term to mean totally different things.
What is 'class'?...what is 'working class'? Is it how much money you/your parents have? Is it the school you went to? Is it where you happen to live?
Is it a person's accent?
It would seem a difficult question to answer when people are using totally different definitions of the term.

Quote: rwayne @ December 13 2011, 3:09 PM GMT

What I find interesting about these posts is that the term 'working class' has just been accepted as something strictly defined. It's, therefore, interesting that people are using the term to mean totally different things.
What is 'class'?...what is 'working class'? Is it how much money you/your parents have? Is it the school you went to? Is it where you happen to live?
Is it a person's accent?
It would seem a difficult question to answer when people are using totally different definitions of the term.

It all comes down to the way you pronounce "envelope".

I think the deciding factor, when it comes to class, should be a person's intelligence, vocabulary, interests and taste, shouldn't it?

I don't think having intelligence has anything to do with whether you're working, middle or upper class!

Unless you're talking about somebody having 'a touch of class', which is an entirely different thing.

Quote: zooo @ December 15 2011, 12:30 PM GMT

I don't think having intelligence has anything to do with whether you're working, middle or upper class!

Quite, the idea that all working class people are stupid is of course absurd, just as much as the idea that all those with money are clever.

Intelligence, also, seems to get confused with education.

I think a lot of so-called racism in this country is really just old fashioned British classism, isn't it? Is a British person looking down on an immigrant from a third world country really racism? Isn't it just Brits being Brits? Come on now, look at the way our comedians obsessively make fun of British chavs.

Quote: David Bussell @ December 13 2011, 3:33 PM GMT

It all comes down to the way you pronounce "envelope".

Nearly - it actually depends on what you call your meals.

Food taken around midday - dinner

After work/early evening - tea

Late night before bed snack - supper.

'O' levels, professional qualifications, Times crossword and Only Connect fan, dirty fingernailed working class me

Quote: fasty @ December 15 2011, 6:58 PM GMT

Nearly - it actually depends on what you call your meals.

Food taken around midday - dinner

After work/early evening - tea

Late night before bed snack - supper.

'O' levels, professional qualifications, Times crossword and Only Connect fan, dirty fingernailed working class me

You're obviously from up North.

Midday is lunch and evening is dinner. I dunno. Obviously no class oop North!

Class...that's a biggie, it clearly means different things to different people. I see it as where you fit into society depending on your social, economic and educational background. I see myself as working class, coming from a modest council house and having a local Irish accent, I now own my own house but I'm still working comes down to how you see yourself really.
Where the heck would comedy be, especially sitcom, without all the references to class and the workings of it?...Only Fools, Keeping Up Appearances, Rising Damp e.t.c.
What was the original question again?!

Your 'class' is the economic stratum you were BORN INTO, much like your race is the country you were born in - no other definition makes sense.

What if you overthrow the monarchy?


Quote: Chappers @ December 16 2011, 11:49 AM GMT

You're obviously from up North.

Midday is lunch and evening is dinner. I dunno. Obviously no class oop North!

I bet you pronounce it clarss as well ;)

Quote: Godot Taxis @ December 16 2011, 4:52 PM GMT


If I punch the Queen in the face. Take her out. Pick her crown up, put it on. Sit on the thrown. ENGLAND IS MINE. What would be my class then?