Terry And June Christmas Specials

Hello there people. I'm tempted to get the entire Terry & June DVD collection, which is available on DVD, but what about the Christmas specials? On the DVDs that are out, there is no mention of the specials being on them. Are they in the special features? I especially want to see the episode Festive Doldrums, but I can't seem to find it on the available discs.

Could anyone shed some light on this for me? Thank you.

The Christmas specials are on the respective series DVDs. The 1981 Christmas special, Festive Doldrums, is on the Series 3 DVD.

To go on a slight tangent on this subject has anyone else noticed that in the opening titles for the 1980 Christmas Special it begins with a close up of an Advent calender ? The calender is a made from the picture that graced the front cover of the 1977 Christmas double issue of the Radio Times.