General, General Thread Page 9

Oooh Green Mile, when they execute John Coffee...oh and Lion King when the dad dies! I am such a weeper...

Green Mile is amazing. Very sad.
I cry at the lion king when Daddy is dead & little Simba gets told to run away by his evil uncle. The Hyena's make me chortle too. Every time.

I cried with laughter at the end of Titanic. Lion King made me cry, I think I was 10 maybe at the time.

I forced myself to watch the Titanic. 3 hours of Kate & whats his face Decaprio. Never again.
I liked Decaprio in that film, oh whats it called the famous pick pocket & hustler. He was good in that.

Catch Me If You Can. I'm desperately trying to remeber which film last made me sob but I'm such a manly man its difficult. A.I. Would have if it was any good. Erm, well i'll remember soon.

Quote: ajp29 @ June 29, 2007, 12:16 AM

I cried with laughter at the end of Titanic. Lion King made me cry, I think I was 10 maybe at the time.

The bit where the old people are lying in the bed in Titanic waiting to die and the mum tucking her kids in...THAT made me cry in Titanic. The end i hilarious where she says she'll never let him go, and then lets him go! haha

Yey thats the film. Thanks AJP.

A.I. got me though, the bit at the bottom of the ocean. The cinema was packed a hard Saturday night crowd too and I was trying really, really hard to keep the tears in, but I so had to breathe.

The whole cinema had gone quiet, no one was rustling or anything and this huge, great sob echoed everywhere. I was mortified:$

It was awful, I like a touch of eyeliner, I came out like Alice Cooper!

Laughing out loud

Quote: Jude @ June 29, 2007, 12:27 AM

I came out like Alice Cooper!

They should have put that on the movie poster

Laughing out loud

I watched a film once.

The bit in Terminator at the end, with the thumb Teary

Quote: Leevil @ June 29, 2007, 1:06 AM

The bit in Terminator at the end, with the thumb Teary

It`s a bit of a blur, so I must beenTeary doing an Alice Cooper again.

Laughing out loud

I think i actually cried with laughter during Anchorman...that was brilliant.

What film has made you guys laugh so hard that a little bit of wee might have come out?