Bill Jaguar has invented a new iPhone app called Pithy Jaguars... rivalling Angry Birds to the top spot as most annoyingly addictive game.
Make an unfounded claim about the poster above you Page 131
At lunchtime Ellie likes to feed the 'dirty' pigeons.
roscoff was thrown off popular panel show Room 101 because he chose 'the blacks' as his wildcard entry.
On Sunday The Renegade Carpark is free.
Roscoff is genuinely a creation of the Jim Henson workshop.
Roo is actually a 56 year old, 30 stone, lorry driver from Macclesfield called Reg with a lifetime ban from Bebo.
The Carpark man once had sex with Eminem's mom. It's rumoured that this liason led to her addiction to anti-depressants.
Eminem immortalised the encounter with the lyric "Mother F**king Renegade"
RC was unhappy with Eminem publicly speaking of the act, describing him as an 'overrated performer with a ropey old tart for a mother'.
This is how Gerry got the coveted role of Russel T. Davis' personal assistant -

RC was a suffragette in a previous life (thie may be true!!!)
Reading the ingrediants from an Iceland Egg sandwich filler:
Hard boiled eggs (74%)
Mayonnaise (25%)
roscoff 1%
That f**ker gets everywhere!
Will Cam drinks four bottles of his own urine every day.
Ellie has been banned from playing poker after a hot flush.
Big Jack puts the Mullet in Mulletrice (what do you mean it hasn't got a 't' in it).
Will Cam has a Tim Henman poster in his Bedroom.
But he's covered Tims face over with a picture of Andy Murray in case anyone thinks it's a bit weird.
Steve Sunshine is my half brother. The bottom half to be precise.