Friday 19th May 2017 3:59am [Edited]
623 posts
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 18th May 2017, 7:49 AM
Whether or not "mongs" is used as prison slang - or probably because "mongs" is used as prison slang - you need to be aware of its derivation and to consider whether it's an appropriate word to use and whether it is likely to cause offence (which it is). And you should apologise for doing so.
Particularly someone who has previously berated President Trump for his mocking of a disabled reporter.
That is fantastic . . . absolutely tremendous. Actually made me laugh out loud . . .
I think I had it covered when I said "in this context I was not mocking the disabled in any way" but you somehow see fit to tell me I should still apologise, using my perhaps clumsy use of one word in same post as the sentence that followed referring to possibly the most offensive man in history.
I am perhaps the first to attack Trump on here but it's because I care about all people generally (so must be Trump's polar opposite - and you can tell I'm truthful as have no need to say 'nobody cares more than me, believe me'), especially disabled, homeless, and any minorities that are discriminated against (more than ever now given recent events) so I will say it was bad judgement, but I am not going to scrutinise every single thing I say before posting in future because nobody is going to please everyone all of the time with choice of words and I'm not in the habit of picking the posts of others apart either.
But it was the tiniest most insignificant oversight compared to the mocking of disabled reporter - I caught a clip of it again on a tweet earlier, and it's even shocking without sound . . . and I read that his remaining 'followers' are choosing not to listen generally at the moment given what's going on and some are even saying he may not even come back into the country after his trip - to avoid prosecution (depending on what comes out) or may not be allowed back in as a criminal!
No-one could make it up . . . and I will happily mock him relentlessly as he brings it all on himself by being a vile, mere husk of a human who deserves everything he gets, and the devil's in the detail - when he won't even take a couple of seconds to look up words he can't spell cos he just doesn't care about that either . . .
"How does it go? counsil, councell, cownsell, cown, no, must be coun, then sell, or cil, cell, sil . . .dumdedum, trump goood, mmmm, donuts . . ." 
