Answer this... What makes a joke funny? Page 3

Quote: cjdelphi @ April 18 2012, 10:07 AM BST

I try to poof read as I type honestly I do try :P


Quote: cjdelphi @ April 18 2012, 9:59 AM BST

A man walks into a room, in that room he finds a kitchen and a horse making breakfast.

That's not funny, and Paul Merton would ambush you.

A man walks into a room, in that room he finds a kitchen and a horse making breakfast.

The man asks "Are those real-American waffles?"
The horse replies "No point talking to me, I'm a horse".

Another thread bites the dust.

Quote: Brian Brane @ May 1 2012, 6:57 PM BST

That's not funny, and Paul Merton would ambush you.

A man walks into a room, in that room he finds a kitchen and a horse making breakfast.

The man asks "Are those real-American waffles?"
The horse replies "No point talking to me, I'm a horse".

Yeah, it's got really old when Merton does that.