
Anybody here enjoy webcomics? I read several webcomics regularly and find it's a great way to start the day - little bursts of comedy unrestrained by a newspaper or magazine editor.

My current fave is www.bugcomic.com which is quite a sweet, gentle comic, but it does give me a good chuckle every week day.

www.oglaf.com is also brilliant, but not something you should read around your kids or employers, what with it being part comedy, part pornography. I'd start from the beginning with Oglaf as there are some storylines to follow.

Something for everyone there!

Quote: Harridan @ February 29 2012, 6:17 PM GMT


I often read these (at home). :D

Quote: Nil Putters @ February 29 2012, 6:21 PM GMT

I often read these (at home). :D


You dirty pair


Who me? Angelic

Quote: Harridan @ February 29 2012, 6:17 PM GMT

Anybody here enjoy webcomics?

www.oglaf.com is also brilliant, but not something you should read around your kids or employers, what with it being part comedy, part pornography.

Blah my kids have been reading pornography from embryo's.

This is what I'm reading at the moment: http://starwarsage9.com/

He did 'Alien' at age 11 too.

Without having seen it.

Personal favourites of mine include the British webcomic Exterminatus Now and the American webcomic Kevein and Kell (which has been going since 1995).

It seems like most aren't amusing... and the best in breed seem to cater to niche audiences like Penny Arcade or XKCD. I don't even get the perverted stuff... I know it's always been part of comics... but to each their own I guess.

That said SpaceAvalanche can have moments of genius like... http://www.spaceavalanche.com/2011/01/25/chinese-lantern/ and http://seemikedraw.com.au/ is generally good.

Quote: Charley @ February 29 2012, 9:29 PM GMT

Blah my kids have been reading pornography from embryo's.

To find out what their mum's been up to?