What is the connection..? Page 9

They're all bloody awful poets?

(no offence, Mr. Charles)

Poets? And no offence to Charles? What about the others?

Well, no 'no offence' to them because I don't think they really are poets!

It was a joke, see. :)

Oh, I don't know why I bother...


Colours ...

Red Dwarf; Blackadder; Black Books; The Green Green Grass.

You're too good at this Don.
Although I was thinking the thin Blue Line for Rowan.

You're too good at this Don.


Right, I'm off, big day tomorrow - the school fete. Night all.

Quote: don rushmore @ June 11 2010, 11:25 PM BST


Right, I'm off, big day tomorrow - the school fete. Night all.

Are The Quarrymen playing there then ?

Harry Enfield, Steve Coogan, Chris Barrie.

Spitting Image?

Quote: Aaron @ June 12 2010, 12:44 AM BST

Spitting Image?

Or songs? Okay you were right. I thought it was a bit easy.

Sorry no clue, get me the answer.