A J or Onateiro Odudu?

Why is A J Odudu down on the information section in the site as "Onateiro Odudu" when all her appearances credit her as "A J Odudu"? Wouldn't more people look for her under A J than Onateiro?

I don't think I'd look for her under anything.

(I've never heard of her!)

OK. I guess she's the one on Would I lie to you?

Quote: Paul Wimsett @ 15th February 2021, 1:32 PM

Why is A J Odudu down on the information section in the site as "Onateiro Odudu" when all her appearances credit her as "A J Odudu"? Wouldn't more people look for her under A J than Onateiro?

We used to have a policy of always creating a person's master record under their real name. We no longer do this, but not everyone has yet been converted to their commonly-known name being primary.

She should, however, come up under a search for any variant.