Stand Up Activities

Hi all, I'm doing a microteach at college on stand up comedy and I'm looking for help on activities I could do with my college class who have no experience within stand up.

Hi Liam, what exactly do you need help with?

There are so many different strands on stand up that it maybe worthwhile doing a bit of Googling / YouTube to see different styles. What age range are your students, I'm guessing KS5 so you should be OK with some of the more mature strands. I'd cover your back though as if you're showing something with Jimmy Carr in it and he's well being Jimmy Carr, avoid profanity etc. you 'could' mention acts like Bernard Manning, I wouldn't show them a clip but use him as a historical context. Culture is also a key element to some stand up, Richard Pryor, Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappele etc. do use their African American ancestry in their comedy.

Sky Arts did a few good shows on stand up, if you can track them down online they'd be a good starter for your course.

Found this:

And this: