That's My Boy Page 2

Watched an episode on Youtube the other day. The male lead character seems a bit of a snob to me and puts me right off watching it.

He is a little, as that's very much his 'other' mother. But he becomes more relaxed as the series progresses.

It might be because I watched the first episode.

I might give it another go, hoping it gets better.

Oh, do carry on with the next few as he begins to accept Ida and get more used to her earthy northern manner. He even begins to respond to 'Shane' without complaining!

This is excellent, it gets better and better throughout. Robert becomes a lot more likeable character as soon as he begins to accept Ida. A very good sitcom and very underrated.

This is utter drivel and god knows how it ran for 5 series!????

By being bloody funny drivel!