My Comedy

I have started uploading crowd work on my youtube channel, I understand it takes time to get better at it, but I would like to know your opinions on how to develop my channel and videos. Would love your thoughts on it.

The grainy video quality is off putting, but that's only on some.

Better video?

Better audio?

I think that's just about all you need.

Your ability to banter with the audience is truly remarkable: most comedians currently on TV don't have a tenth of your talent in that department.

Virtually anybody can learn a comedy script and deliver it on stage with some degree of effectiveness but very few people could get up there and do what you do.

To watch you on stage, one would think you'd been doing the job for donkeys' years and yet you're only 25.

I have a feeling we'll be seeing much more of you in the future.


Thank you for the comments, I appreciate it.