Name the worst colour for an item of clothing Page 5

Quote: A Horseradish @ 19th November 2019, 7:29 PM

In fairness to you, while the occasional slip reveals that you are an old loon, in character I always feel that you are young at heart. a great laugh and about the same age as me. 23. It's just a damn shame that other 23 year olds are either 97 or 5.

Keep it up - and at least weekly with wild spurts!

umm, but wassock didn't help


Lemon clodhoppers.

Devil red (vicar's) dog collar

Were you an agent of Satan?

Quote: Briosaid @ 23rd November 2019, 7:39 PM

Were you an agent of Satan?


But I get beaten up whenever I go out wearing angels wings.