Hello potential contributors!

Hi everyone,

I am a masters student, currently finishing my degree in Radio Production. For my final project, I am looking to create a Podcast, about the power of comedy.

The podcast is titled 'The Best Medicine' as in 'laughter is...', and I was hoping people looking at this site might be both the ideal target audience, and also good potential contributors.

In the episode I will produce, I was hoping to have a number of Vox Pop style recordings of a number of voices, all one or two sentences at most, stating the following:

- a favourite performer/ sketch/ show / joke, that you associate with making you happy during a difficult time or that you know will always make you feel better

- The hard time it helped you get through, or made easier (if this applies)

Please do let me know if you have any thoughts or would like to contribute at all.

Thanks, Jack

You'll get told off!

I'm sure Aaron will contribute. He's a real tart when it comes to this sort of thing.